Saturday, June 29, 2024

Sc. 3: Tom leaving 2


BOTH: I love you.

They kiss.

TOM: I’ll call every hour.

WANDA: Thank you. I’d like that.

Tom up and behind the wheel, sticks key in ignition. Wanda pushes the door shut, steps onto the running board. Tom starts engine, rolls down window.

TOM: Ready?

Wanda nods. Tom drives forward to the street. Down the block we see the Woman push the stroller, toward and around a corner out of view.

WANDA: You’re in for rain tonight.

TOM: Seen that. Monsoon season.  Ruth says there’s a storm formin’ on the gulf we’ll get part of.  How many more days?

WANDA: Until?

TOM: We land in Honolulu.

Wanda smiles.

WANDA: Ninety-three.

She checks his watch.

WANDA (CONT.0; Thirteen hours and twenty-two minutes. If we’re on schedule.

TOM: But whose countin’.

WANDA: I love you, Thomas Travis.

TOM: I love you, Wanda Pearl.

A long kiss, she steps down from the running board.

Wanda waves, Tom waves back. 

WANDA:  Talk to you in an hour, sweetheart.

TOM: You will, angel.

They flash each other the sign-language “I love you.’ Tom turns onto the street, drives away in the direction the Woman had come from. Wanda steps into street and watches the truck go away.


Tom nears where the street bends left, his Syed on WANDA IN THE REARVIEW MIRROR. She waves, he sticks his arm out the window, waves.


Wanda watches the truck and Tom’s waving arm turn the bend and leave view. She looks to the clouds in the sky, then walks to the deck, waters the plants, enter house, close door behind her.

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