Sunday, May 19, 2024

scene 41



Teeing area of a three-par hole on the green of which GOLFER 1 squats to line up her putt from a far edge of the green guarded by a sand bunker on one side and small pond lined by palm trees on the other. GOLFER 2 observes from out of Golfer One's line of site, somewhat leaning on his putter. GOLFER 3 and GOLFER 4 observe from one of two carts parked along the path. 

Jan and John in one cart arrive at the teeing area ahead of Barbara and Brian in another. All watch Golfer 1 sink the long putt and greet Golfer 2's high-five when she retrieves her ball from the cup. Jan steps to the tee box with an iron as Golfers 3 and 4 get in their cart and lead Golfers 1 and 2 in theirs down the path to the next tee. Jan tees up, looks down the fairway, waggles, swings and places the ball onto the green with a bounce.

JOHN: Look at that.

BRIAN: Nice shot, Jan.

John gets his iron, walks to tee box.

BARBARA: Someone's been practicing.

John presents the high-five Jan slaps. She bags iron, meets Barbara's high-five, sits in cart, watches John tee up, take a look to the green, waggle, swing and land the ball land on the green and roll to near the hole. Barbara, Jan and Brian applaud. 

JOHN: Must be contagious.

BARBARA: Well then I'd better breathe it in before a breeze sweeps it away.

John bags iron, sits next to Jan. Barbara takes iron to tee box, tee up, takes a deep breath, addresses the ball, looks down the fairway, waggles, stops her swing when the PHONE in a pocket RINGTONES THE SOUND OF AN OLD-SCHOOL TYPEWRITER. 


(She picks up on the ZING of the return.) 


Oh no. Hunter.



I'll be here.

Love you too.


(She pockets phone, picks up ball and tee, walks to cart.)


Barbara bags her iron, sits next to Brian in cart.

BARBARA: Tom died at Hunter's during the night. 

JAN: Oh my.

JOHN: Jesus.

BARBARA: His guess is a heart attack. Chloe lands in Oakland this evening.

JOHN: We need to go.

Barbara nods. John and Jan in their cart lead Brian and Barb in theirs down the path to the green. 

GOLFER 5 (O.S.)  Fore!

A golf ball lands with a THUNK on the tee box.

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