Wednesday, July 3, 2024

sc 8 blueprint


Piano and guitar.

Hunter enter, crossing, DOORBELL

Peephole double-take.



T standing, hat on, truck parked near the bins. 

H open door wide enough to look out.

H: Can I help you?

T: Howdy. My name is Tom Walker.

Hunter surveys Tom.

H: The Tom Walker who was in Reno for the rodeo fifty years ago?

T: Well, one of 'em anyway.  

Hunter looks past him to the truck. 

H: What's my mother's name?

T: Olivia Edith. If I got the right Hunter C. Matheson..   

H: What if I didn't know who you are?

T: I'da been turned around and askin' for directions back to Drippin' Springs Road.

Hunter considers, opens the door for Tom to enter.

H: Come in.

Tom removes his hat, enters. Hunter surveys the truck, closes the door.  


H: How did you find my address?

T: Online. 

H: Just happen to be in the neighborhood?

T: Well, sorta. On my way to Texas?

H: From?

T: Laramie, Wyomin', where I live.

H: What's in Texas, if you don't mind me asking.

T: I don't. You can ask me anything ya want. My sister lives in a town called Kerrville. 

H: I'm out the door to the airport in El Paso.

T: Yessir.

H: When will you be back through on your way home to Laramie?

T: Oh I reckon about a week. 

H: We won't be here in a week.

T: Yessir. 


W with D. Tom's RINGTONE.

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