Uphill powerwalk mode per previous.
JOHN: Is tonight the night Barb meets Brian's son?
JAN: Yes. Kyle.
JOHN: Kyle.
JAN: Pizza and bowling in Pismo.
JOHN: Do we know anything about Brian's ex?
JAN: Debbie. A realtor in San Diego.
JAN (CONT.): Chloe's going to spend a few days in Texas when Hunter goes back.
JOHN: Oh. Staying at Ruth's?
JAN: Yes. She'll fly into Austin and they'll tour the campus.
JOHN: Alright. Hook 'em, horns.
JAN: Ruth keeps a blog.
JOHN: Really?
JAN: Barb forwarded the link Hunter sent her.
JOHN: You buried the lead, dear.
JAN: Got it just before we left. Didn't click on it.
JOHN: I can't wait.
They arrive at their driveway, set down dumbbells, catch breath with hands on hips.
JOHN (CONT.) Here's what's going to happen.
JAN: Oh boy, Nostradamus mode.
JOHN: Yep. I can see it all as if through crystal ball.
JAN: Do share, Zoltar.
JOHN: Barb marries Brian after Chloe graduates.
JAN: I can't say that I can't see it.
JOHN: They both sell and move to Templeton.
JAN: Oh really? And why Templeton?
JOHN: Brian will move his office there.
JAN: You see this as if through crystal ball?
JOHN: He told me on the putting green. Long-term plan.
JAN: Closer to us.
JOHN: Maybe.
JAN: Maybe?
JOHN: Closer to us unless we move closer to Chloe when she goes off to college.
Jan stops, looks at John, who stops and looks back.
JAN: Oh?
JOHN: By way of introducing what's only now on my mind.
JAN: Okay.
JOHN: Crazy?
She shakes her head, puts arm around his waist, he puts arm over her shoulder. They proceed to the front door.
JAN: What if she goes east coast?
JOHN: Asheville?
JAN: Midwest.
JOHN: Hot Springs?
JAN: Only now on your mind, huh?
JOHN (CONT.): This notion is one that may well evaporate. And it does occur that us tagging along thusly might not be Chloe's preference.
Jan nods.
JOHN (CONT.) In fact, in all honesty, that's my sense.
Jan nods, kisses him.
JOHN (CONT.): The closer she comes to leaving the nest the clingier I find myself becoming.
JAN: Me too. And we're still two years out.
JOHN: But we know what time does, don't we?
JAN: It flies.
JOHN: Let's take a look at Ruth's blog.
John opens the door.
JAN: Let's do. After we shower.
She smiles, winks, enters. John in behind her, closes door.
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