Saturday, June 15, 2024

scene 58




Wanda and Ruth in rockers, Hunter on a bench, finishing bowls of ice cream in the screened-in room with doors to the house and grassy yard fenced by cedar. Mini-fridge, four chairs at a small table.  

HUNTER: How far back in your family does homemade ice cream go?

RUTH: Well, before you leave in the morning I'll show you my grandmother's hand-crank bucket i have in a box in the garage. Is it alright?

HUNTER: It's delicious, Ruth.

WANDA: We love that selfie Tom took with Chloe where you had ice cream in Ruidoso.

RUTH: Oh my goodness. 

WANDA: And all the others.

HUNTER: We took a lot of keepers.

RUTH: I've already got an album started. 

WANDA: That White Sands sunset is spectacular.

HUNTER: Barb's going to posterize it. You'll get one. 

WANDA: And Hunter, I have to say, speaking of before you leave and pictures, that selfie Olivia took with Tom at Lake just took my breath away.

RUTH: I had to sit down.

WANDA: It's like a precious jewel.

HUNTER: I'm happy to have it. And his recollection, recorded by Chloe.

RUTH: I'd love to see it sometime.

WANDA: She was so beautiful.

HUNTER: Chloe's making a school project out of of what was photographed and recorded.

RUTH: How wonderful.

HUNTER: Jackie, Sess and Claire are sending what they have.

In the LULL each finish their ice cream and set down their bowls. 


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