Sunday, June 2, 2024

Interlude intro to new scene 1

Of Boots, For the Record.


EXT. TRUCK parked in the turnout near the Overland Trail Marker, aimed at the sunset on the Snowy Range of the Medicine Bow Mountains. Wyoming plate. Like the car parked behind them.


Tom and Wanda in festive square dance attire, next to each other in the middle of the bench seat.

W I’ll miss this.

T Me too. What else will ya miss, hon.

W I’ll miss Daisy. Of course.

T What time’s her first appointment?

W Three-thirty.

T And the one in Cheyenne.

W Ten.

T I miss ol’ Clem.

W  Me too.

T But nothin’ like Daisy. She seems to be doing a lot better lately.

W She is. I was a little worried.

The sun’s last light surrenders to the eclipse of the mountains.

They kiss, Tom buckles up, Tom starts the engine. 

W (CONT.) You can sure hear that tune-up.

T She’s a lot happier now. Buckle up, sweetheart.

Wanda buckles up.

EXT. Tom drives out of the turnout to the highway, turns on headlights,  lets a truck tow ain’t horses in a trailer pass, turns left onto highway, drivers away.

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