Thursday, June 27, 2024

54 - 57


54. Wanda at home,  TOM’S RINGTONE. It’s Hunter with the news. She’ll call back. Need to call his sister.

55. Ruth at home, WANDA’S RINGTONE. The news. ‘Can Miss Daisy get you to the airport?

56. Gil at home, RUTH’S RINGTONE. The news. Tell’s Maria.

57. Barb, Brian, Jan and Jill on the golf course.

All with putters on the green. Two balls, one a foot from the hole, the other at the far-off fringe, two feet away from a sand bunker.  Barb stands near that ball,  John steps to the ball near the hole and drains the putt. Jan pats his butt mostly surreptitiously as he passes to meet Brian’s fist-bump. Barbara walks around her out, looking for the line.

BARBARA: Nice, pops.

JOHN: Thank you.  

BARBARA: So mom, remember to not mention that dad’s on pace to break his personal course -

JOHN: Barbara Mallory. Tsk tsk.

Jan muffles her laughter.

BARBARA:  What? I was just going to remind mom to not mention that you’re on pace to break your personal course record for tees recovered. Because that would jinx it. Have you broken a single one?

She winks,  John shakes his head. Barbara squats between ball and bunker,, finally stands, readies, putter back, frozen by HUNTER’S RINGTONE, a TYPEWRITER AT WORK.


She gets phone from pocket, picks up on ZING OF THE RETURN.

Receives the news she relays.

 “Tom died at Hunter’s. Suspect heart attack but have to wait for the coroner’s report. Chloe’s coming home. She lands at eight in Oakland.

JAN: We should probably get going.

JOHN: Yes.

Barbara nods, steps the ball to putt.  She makes putt. Brian gets ball from hold, sticks the flag, kisses Barbara. John and Jan hug her. All into carts and away. After a moment a ball lands on the green.

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