Thursday, May 30, 2024

silly interlude re letting the next scene (46) come to me

All I know is that it includes Chloe, Barbara, Jan and John. And maybe video of Tom Chloe has captured. And I know for certain the thing to do is "just" let the specifics come to me, and that they will.

From the source, creating success, constancy bears fruit.
No mistake.'

Hilary Barrett re 17, "Following: Energy flows strongly into life's landscapes, bringing a great creative drive, from the source through towards fulfilment. Following it means a willingness to honor the flow and align actions with it. You can know your ideal, and then allow it to meld with the natural current, following signs and nudges and allowing them to draw you onward.

Then, you may experience Following as an effortless flow of supportive synchronicities – or you may experience it as events unfolding in accordance with their own schedule, and failing to keep to yours. It can seem as if simply allowing yourself to be guided by the current is not enough, and you ought to be 'doing something'. But moving with the creative process is not a mistake."

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