Friday, May 10, 2024

scene 30



A rudimentary stable. The horses in their stalls, eating hay from feeders. Saddles on stands, tack area, mechanical bucking bull in a corner, open doors view to home and vehicles.

SESS: Straight back to Cruces?

JACKIE: No. Ice cream in town and a white sands sunset.

SESS: Nice. Send a picture.

JACKIE: Will do.  

SESS: So Tom, before I see you next time, rumor is you did some tie-down roping back in the day.

TOM: A little. Way back, far as rodeo goes. Plenty after that on the ranch. 

SESS: When's the last time you tied a honda knot?

TOM: I'd round it off to several years.

SESS: If you had rope do you think you could turn it into a lariat?

TOM: I think it might come back to me. If I had rope.

Claire produces the coiled rope, presents it to Tom. Chloe and Hunter reach for their phones, Chloe nods to Hunter, pockets phone. Hunter records Tom running the rope through his hands 

TOM: Rollin'?

CHLOE: Rolling.

TOM: Alrighty then.

Tom quickly fashions the rope into a lariat, widens the loop enough to lay it over Chloe's head onto her shoulders.

All except Tom and Hunter clap.

CHLOE: Think you can lasso the bull?

Tom looks at the bull.

TOM: I can give it a go.

He lifts the lariat from Chloe's shoulders, approaches the bull, all follow, Hunter positions himself for a good recording angle. Tom widens the lariat, swings it above his head. The horses add their attention to the display, or seem to. From fifteen feet Tom lets the lariat fly and lassos the bulls horns.

Louder and longer applause as Tom walks to the bull, removes the lariat, returns it to Chloe's shoulders. The applause ends.

CLAIRE: So who's going to say it?

Chloe raises her hand.

CLAIRE (CONT.) Say it.

CHLOE: Now that's taking the bull by the horns.

More applause. Hunter pockets phone, adds to it.

SESS: Anyone want a coffee for the road.

HUNTER: That would be great.

SESS: Coming right up.

They proceed out of the barn. 

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