Tuesday, April 30, 2024

scene 19



Hunter drives a two-lane road through piney woods.

TOM (to Chloe): When's the last time you were on a horse?

CHLOE: If the Grand Canyon mule ride counts, then two years ago.

TOM: I'd say it counts.

HUNTER: My last time as well. 

TOM: Before that?

HUNTER: Once at a friend's uncle's house when I was a kid.  

TOM: You.

CHLOE: Once also, pony ride when I was six.

HUNTER: There's a picture.

TOM: What did ya think of the Grand Canyon? 

CHLOE: It was cool. Have you been? 

TOM: When I was ten. Me and Ruth and mom and dad drove to Flagstaff for a cousin's wedding. .

HUNTER: Drove from Bandera?

TOM: We did.

HUNTER: In what? 

TOM: Dad's brand new Impala three forty-eight.

HUNTER: Transmission?

TOM: Four-speed manual.

CHLOE: What color?

TOM: White, red and white interior. Convertible.

HUNTER: What became of it? 

TOM: Totaled when dad hit a whitetail buck that jumped outta the woods outside Vanderpool. Got some ponies loose off to starboard.

All turn their attention the four horses cantering in the woods.

JACKIE: They're wild.

TOM: That so? 

The horses leave view.

CHLOE (SINGS LIGHTLY): Wild, wild horses. 

TOM (SINGS LIGHTLY..) We'll ride them someday.

Chloe smiles, Tom winks.

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