Hunter, Tom and Chloe seated at the table, remnants of casserole dinner on plates pushed away. Chloe has a milk, Hunter and Tom ice waters from a glass pitcher. Moon obscured by then peeking through clouds. Tom's hat hangs off the back of the fourth chair.
A lull before DISTANT THUNDER.
HUNTER: Here it comes. This is our monsoon season, Tom.
TOM: Yessir. Got plenty of rain in Albuquerque last night. Prob'ly somethin' you don't get a whole lot of in San Luis Obispo.
CHLOE: We get some. What we do not get are the balmy Laramie winters I'd bet you and Wanda are going to miss.
Tom laughs, not noticing the quick look Hunter and Chloe shoot each other.
TOM: No, Chloe, I'd bet ya don't.
CHLOE: Or the cool summers you'll have in Texas.
Tom laughs again and again does not notice the look Chloe and Hunter shoot each other.
TOM: Or them either.
CHLOE: Are you and Wanda going anywhere for your twenty-fifth?
TOM: We're goin' to Hawaii.
CHLOE: Cool. What island?
TOM: Oahu. First part a the week on the beach at Waikiki, rest a the time in a town called Kailua.
CHLOE: Been before?
TOM: No ma'am. First time for both of us.
CHLOE: Excited?
TOM: We are. I bet y'all been.
Chloe nods.
HUNTER: Any special plans?
TOM: Well, doin' a luau, sunset cruise and a horse ride. Wanda don't believe it but I aim to take a surfin' lesson.
TOM: Seems like a good place to learn, assumin' I do manage to stand up. Figure worst can happen is I fall off. Got a feelin' it ain't as hard a landin' as comin' off a horse.
CHLOE: You've fallen off a horse?
TOM: Plenty a times.
HUNTER: When's the last time you were on a horse?
TOM: Couple months ago. We got friends with land horses near Sheridan, we'll get up there a couple times a year. Couple years go some of us in our square dance group rode in thwe Cheyenne Frontier Days parade.
CHLOE: How often do you square dance?
TOM: Every Thursday night. Y'ever do si do?
Chloe shakes her head.
CHLOE: Is that something you could show me how to do.
TOM: It sure is. Maybe in the mornin' before I leave.
Chloe nods. A lull.
TOM(CONT.) Well y'all, if you'll excuse me I think I'll give Wanda and Ruth a call, shower and get on to bed.
He stands, puts on hat.
HUNTER: I'm up with sunrise, Tom, and will be on the patio with coffee if you're up too.
TOM: I am too and I sure will. Chloe, just wanna thank y'again for a delicious supper. I'm gonna pass your recipe onto Wanda.
Chloe nods.
HUNTER: Goodnight, Tom.
TOM: Goodnight, y'all.
CHLOE: Goodnight.
They watch Tom walk to and open the kitchen door, turns to them and waves his hat. They wave back and watch him walk into kitchen and out of view.
CHLOE: Right?
HUNTER: Assuming Jackie's cousin can wrangle another horse and that Tom can and wants to, would you be okay -
CHLOE: Yes, and you read my mind, again. Does Jackie know he's here?
He gets phone from pocket, speaks into it.
Yep, sitting on the patio.
Still on. In fact, that's why I'm calling. We have a surprise visitor and are wondering about the possibility of your cousin can find another horse, assuming surprise visitor can and wants to come along.
Tom Walker from Texas.
Yes, that Tom Walker.
I'll call ya back.
(He pockets phone.)
We have our horse.
CHLOE: But do we have our rider?
HUNTER: Let's ask.
They stand, walk to and enter the kitchen and out of view.
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